My company moved into a brand new office in March. We built it out top to bottom. I decided it would be totally cool to have one of those instant water heater faucets so I could have my English Breakfast tea without using the microwave. I buy it. Plumbing sub installs it, and then I get a call that the unit was broken. Go back and forth with the supplier and end up getting it replaced under warranty. Only USPS didn't have our address (for which, please read previous blog)and so it was returned to the manufacturer. Then I tracked it down and had it resent. After it arrived the plumbing sub sent over some guy. He was here for about 3 hours. He entered and exited our suite multiple times, never talking to anyone, never telling us what he was doing. Check the faucet after he left and it's still not working. I do a walk through with the building management and open the sink to show them what I assume is an unattached tank, and nothing. Tank's not there. A few days later I hear from our superintendent that the second tank broke and the plumber said it was because our office water pressure was too high. I tell him that the plumber must have taken it then because it's not in the kitchen. He comes to the office, we scour the place top to bottom. No tank.
Fast forward a couple of weeks to yesterday. The contractor, superintendent and plumbing sub come into my office. The contractor says he has no idea what happened to the thing, but he's gonna buy us another one and make sure it works with our water pressure. The plumbing sub starts getting all bent out of shape, insists that they left the tank here. I repeat that the tank is not here. He says his guy left it on the floor. I ask, "Where on the floor?" He says in front of the sink. I look at him and say, very casually, "On the floor in front of the sink next to the TRASH CAN maybe? Hmm. I don't suppose janitorial assumed the box leaking water on the floor next to the trash can was TRASH, do you?"
Unspoken was the word IDIOT.
And yes, should anyone like the name of the plumber so as to avoid him - let me know. I do have it.